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Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting Hillhousenaturals.com. We have done everything possible to ensure the privacy and security of your transactions with us. Your credit card number and other personal data will be treated with the highest standards of safety, security features, and confidentiality.

Secure Shopping Orders placed on our site are encrypted with SSL technology. The secure sever software (SSL) encrypts all information you input before it is sent to us. This technology can be trusted to send and receive information securely via the Internet. In order for SSL security to work you must use a SSL-enabled browser. E-mail is not encrypted and is not a secure means to transmit credit card numbers. We will only display the last 4 digits of your credit card number when confirming your order. We are confident that your visit to hillhousenaturals.com is secure and safe. However, you may choose to call us directly to place your order over the telephone. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-993-2767 .

On-line Privacy Hillhouse Naturals takes great pride in having you as a customer and we will ensure your privacy as a customer. Hillhouse Naturals does not sell or exchange names or any other information about our customers with third parties. hillhousenaturals.com does recognize your ISP (internet service provider), however, we cannot identify you as an individual. If you make an on-line purchase we do collect information (such as sales statistics and traffic patterns) to help improve your shopping experience. We keep all information confidential. If we change our privacy policy, we will post the changes so that you are aware of those changes.


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